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Herb of the month (June): Guduchi

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

Fall in LOVE with Guduchi - also known as Heart-leaved Moonseed <3

English Name: Amrit, Heartleaf Moonseed

Sanskrit/Hindu Name: Guduchi, Guluchi, Giloy Amrta, Chakralaksana

Botanical name: Tinospora Cordifolia

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), also known as Heart-leaved moonseed or amrit, is one of the most useful and revered herbs in the Ayurvedic Pharmacy. A boon for summer due to its pitta pacifying qualities Guduchi is considered a panacea (cure all) is it also helps to rebalance all 3 dosha and promotes health functioning of the bodies key organs and systems such as the digestive and immune systems.

According to WebMD, Guduci is used for the following conditions: Tinospora cordifolia is used for diabetes, high cholesterol, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), upset stomach, gout, lymphoma and other cancers, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), hepatitis, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), fever, gonorrhea, syphilis, and to boost the immune system.

The therapuetic benefits of Tinaspora Coridfolio are now being studied and used in modern medicine for cold and flu prevention, immune support, skin disorders, arthritis, liver disorders, gout (and rheumatic disorders) and, most recently, to mitigate the negative effects of chemotherapy.

Radiant healthy summer skin

As red, weeping, itchy skin rashes, particularly in summer, are often a symptom of aggravated pitta or increased ama and a poorly functioning immune system, there is no better remedy than Guduchi! Filled with amazing phytochemicals and antioxidants, Guduchi supports the liver and kidneys to remove toxins, fight infection and reduce inflammation whether it be of the skin, the gut, the joints or the airways. If you suffer from chronic skin conditions, Guduchi is more than worth considering.

Stifle the sneeze

For the unlucky few, seasonal allergies can continue to pose life-inhibiting effects long after Spring has passed. But fear (or sneeze) not! Guduchi is here to the rescue! As a potent immunomodulator, Guduchi regulates the functioning of the whole immune system, meaning it not only works to calm hot, itchy inflamed skin but also swollen and irritated sinuses! Not being able to breathe properly (and regulate the flow of prana) can have severely deleterious effects on health, so if you suffer, you might want to check this out.

How it works according to Ayurveda

Being sweet, bitter and astringent, Guduchi is the perfect remedy to pacify increased pitta (fire/water dosha). It's the ability to purge excess heat and toxins which make it the ideal herbal support for the summer months when inflammation, poor gut health and allergies may be raging. Due to its sweetness it also pacifies vata and by its astringency reduces kapha, helping to purge excess moisture, congestion and weight gain from the body.

Taste (Rasa): Pungent (Katu), Bitter (tikta) and avyaktha (end) rasa is Madhura (sweet)

Qualities (Guna): Laghu (light), snighda (unctuous)

Virya (Potency): Hot (usna)

Vipaka (Post-digestive effect): Madhura (sweet)

Dosha: Pacifies all dosha but mostly pitta (fire/water) and vata (air/space)

Ayurvedic actions*:

- Anti-inflammatory (pittahara

- Blood cleansing (raktha sodhana)

- Clears toxins (amahara)

- Reduces skin disease (kusthagna)

- Improve complexion (varnya)

- Reduces pain and swelling from gout (vataraksthahara)

- Rejuvenize/longevity promoter (rasayana)

- Promotes healthy digestive and metabolism function (deepana-pacana)

- Supports weight loss (medohara)

- Reduces swelling (shotahara)

- Improves immunity, bodily strength and vigour (balya)

- Cleanses the body of infection and parasites (Krimigna)

- Painkiller (vedanasthapana)

- Boost fertility (vajikarana)

- Reduces fevers (jvaraghna)

Scientific pharmacological action

Blood purifier, liver stimulant, immunomodulator, antioxidant, appetiser, digestive, antiseptic and analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, aphrodisiac, hepatoprotective

Stem - Antispasmodic, blood-glucose regulator

Bark - anti-spasmodic, anti-pyretic, anti-allergic and anti-leprotic

Root – Anti-oxidant, good for diabetes (premeha)

Contraindications/when not to use Guduchi

Please consult with your health care practitioner prior to the use of this product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medications, or have a medical condition.

Guduchi can lower blood-sugar so caution must be taken when used by diabetics.

Not advisable up to 2 weeks before surgery.

How can I add Guduchi to my diet/lifestyle?

Guduchi is available in both tablet and powdered form. A typical dose is 1 teaspoon or 1-2 capsules, twice daily (1-3g) however please consult your healthcare professional for correct usage for your health condition. Guduchi, being a rasayana, can be taken on an ongoing basis or during the onset of other conditions such as skin rashes, cold or flu or allergies.

Combined with other herbs: Guduchi can also be taken in combination with other herbs such as shatavari or ashwagandha as a general tonic (after a cleanse as all of these medicines are heavy to digest), or with aloe vera juice for the purposes of detoxification.

As a paste: Guduchi can also be made into a lepa (herbal paste) with other ingredients such as aloe vera, tumeric etc for use in chronic skin irritations/rashes including eczema and psoriasis.

AyurLife UK Approved Brands of Guduchi - Capsules

AyurLife UK Approved Brands of Guduchi - Powder


Books and journals

Gogte, V.M. (2012) Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants (Dravyagunavignyam). 2nd ed. New Dehi: Chaukhambha.

Sharma, A., Gupta, S., Batra, S (2010) Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.)

Hook. F. & Thomson - A plant with immense economic potential. J. Chem. Pharm. Res. 2(5):327-333

Williamson, E. M. (ed) (2002) Major Herbs of Ayurveda. Edinburgh: Elsevier

Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Vasant Lad, The Yoga of Herbs: An Ayurvedic Guide To Herbal Medicine (Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press, 2001), pp. 4-5, 242-243

Giloy Herb: The Wonder Plant, Giloy: The origin and uses,


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food Standards Agency. AyurLife UK advice is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. For more information pertaining to your personal needs please see a qualified health practitioner.

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